Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Cracking the Subprime Code

"Subprime Success Secrets!"
Click Here to Register for the Call

On Monday the June 25th we will send out the Telephone Number and Access Code to everyone registered for the call via email.

From humble beginnings in as the oldest of 4 children living in a 1 bedroom trailer, to homeless single mother of 3, Rachel Young has certainly seen her share of hard times. When she decided to start investing, she lived in the basement of a home belonging to a family friend. Her drive, determination, and spectacular marketing abilities brought her "out of the ashes" and led her to being one of Atlanta’s most successful real estate investors in single family homes.

Rachel’s willingness to teach her strategies and marketing techniques to others has made her a much sought-after business woman in the real estate investing community. Her company, Big Cheese Marketing, has skyrocketed through the ranks of other marketing businesses. She is an investor as well as an entrepreneur.

You can learn more about Rachel and Big Cheese Marketing by visiting her online at
Recently on the Best Seller List for her New Book: Subprime Real Estate Profits

I can give you THREE MILLION REASONS why your dream can be a reality – in the same amount of time it takes to watch a football game, a NASCAR race, or your favorite movie!

How many times have you said:

  • “If I had known Microsoft was gonna be this big, I’d have bought a MILLION shares in the 80’s!"
  • “I wish I had known that the real estate market would change so dramatically! I would have gotten in (or out) sooner!”
  • “If I had only known that Google would be so successful, I would have bought stock in it!”

We’ve all got things we look back on in our lives and say “I wish I had known…”(For me it was that loser I dated in high school. YIKES!)

But what if you KNEW that a revolution was taking place in an industry so many know about but that so few know what to do about?

YOU DO! I’m talking about the subprime market! You’ve seen it on the news almost daily. You’ve heard about it on the radio. One subprime lender after another is forced to declare bankruptcy. Homeowner after homeowner is forced to watch their house go into foreclosure due to high mortgage payments and adjustable interest rates.In fact, there are an estimated 3,000,000 (that’s 3 MILLION) families who will go into foreclosure this year alone as victims of the subprime lending industry.Just think of all the folks who are struggling to scrape by who haven’t even defaulted on their loans yet, but who need help desperately!?!

But what if we flipped the script a little bit…let’s talk about YOU...

Maybe you’re a seasoned investor, looking to stay on the razor’s edge and blow your competition out of the water.

You’re a smart business owner and know that if you don’t continue your education that your business is in jeopardy of losing out to another.

Maybe you’re new to real estate investing and have yet to find that one magic strategy that will allow you to make the income you deserve without sacrificing your integrity.

Maybe you’re just tired of that J-O-B and are looking for a fresh change (one without a demanding boss!)

Whatever your reason for reading this letter, you know you want to make a change and deposit wheelbarrows full of cash into your bank account doing it.

So what’dya do?

Whatever your reason for reading this letter, you know you want to make a change and deposit wheelbarrows full of cash into your bank account doing it.

1. You try to blaze your own trail, reinventing the wheel as you go, becoming the pioneer real estate investor in your area. (Remember, pioneers come home full of arrows. And when you blaze your own trail, expect to get poison ivy!)

2. You do nothing. There’s always tomorrow (it IS another day after all – or so I hear). One day you wake up, twenty years have passed, and nothing’s changed.

3. You grab life by the horns and ride that sucker ‘til it bucks you off or you’ve tamed it! That means taking advantage of the phenomenal opportunities offered to you.

Go to for more on information abour Rachel Youngs secrets to cracking the subprime code on MAREI's upcoming teleconferenc.

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