Monday, September 17, 2007



NARHRI adds additional law firm to our state advocacy group; NARHRI plans announcement regarding the Northeast before the end of the year.

September 17, 2007 Contact: John Grant (202) 232-6708

(Washington, D.C.) Today, NARHRI issued the following statement regarding the expansion of NARHRI's state legislative campaigns and CARES Program in 2008.

NARHRI is very pleased to announce that because of the substantial support garnered from the full spectrum of the real estate investing industry, we are expanding our advocacy and educational efforts to the following states in the Midwest:


NARHRI, already active in Texas recently announced its Southern State campaigns for 2008, comprised of the following states:


Our strategy of utilizing lobbying and law firms with the capacity to represent the industry in several states allows us to retain nationally prominent advocates in the most cost-effective manner. NARHRI Executive Director John Grant manages the state and federal government relations campaigns for NARHRI and also coordinates the CARES Program.

Kevin Gunn, the former chief of staff to House Majority Leader Dick Gephardt, is providing NARHRI's advocacy services in the Midwest. Mr. Gunn is an attorney with Sonnenschein, Nath and Rosenthal which has locations in many cities throughout the country including St. Louis, Kansas City and Chicago. Mr. Gunn and his firm will primarily focus their activities for NARHRI in three states: Illinois, Missouri and Kansas.

Guy Rohling from the state lobbying firm of Albers & Company is expanding his role with NARHRI and will be the primary advocate for NARHRI in the South. Mr. Rohling has worked with NARHRI for several years and produced significant victories for NARHRI members, most recently in North Carolina. Mr. Rohling has over 20 years experiences representing corporate and association clients throughout the South.

This team not only provides NARHRI's governmental affairs services, but will also assist with the implementation of the CARES Program and fundraising efforts. All questions regarding NARHRI's government affairs efforts and the CARES Program should be directed to NARHRI Executive Director John Grant.

NARHRI President Steve Herbert, a former president of Georgia REIA and board member of National REIA, issued the following comments:

"When I decided to become a Board Member of NARHRI, and later accepted the position of President, my objective was to provide our industry with the level of government affairs representation that we all deserve. Our mission to rid the industry of unscrupulous investors, establish a higher standard for investors, and work with political figures around the country on the best ways to regulate our industry is well underway. I am delighted with the team that we have built, and look forward to its expansion as more investors become aware of NARHRI and come to the realization that NARHRI is the key to the long-term survival and growth of the real estate investing industry."

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