Friday, November 30, 2007

Behavior Never Lies

Ok - so I may be totally behind the times and everyone else has seen this book and read it.
I have had it sitting in my to be read pile for a while, just no time. I guess I should have read it first and I might have a little more time on my hands now.

Then Don picked it up and started reading it - now I have to wait till he is finished so I can read the last half. It is an absolute must read. It was a book that I though our kids should read and a few of our procrastinating friends. So I went to Amazon to pick up a few, but could not find the book. But with a little digging I found the author's web site and he has some great prices - only $14.95 for one with discounts for buying in quantity.

I was thinking that a few of you may be looking for that perfect gift for the college student, executive, budding entrepreneur, or anyone who wants to get ahead in life. If you are in a busy office you may want to get copies for all your staff.

So read a little more below and if you think it is something you would like to have or you know someone who needs to read it, click here to find out how to purchase.

Behavior Never Lies is more than a statement; it is a truth that when understood and accepted, will reshape one’s understanding of the people who are part of their environment. The real definition of who a person is — is defined by their behavior. Words explain, while behavior defines the real message a person is speaking.

The contradiction between what a person says and what they do forms the foundation to most of the human confusion a person experiences. When spoken words and acted out behavior are not in sync, one will feel confusion, frustration and disappointment. Inside the pages of Behavior Never Lies the reader will explore the eight steps to balancing words and behavior.

Step 1: Believing In You

Step 2: Expanding Your Horizon

Step 3: Holding Yourself Accountable

Step 4: Addressing Your Inconsistencies

Step 5: Very Carefully Align Yourself With The Right People

Step 6: Increase Your Awareness

Step 7: Operating Your Life At A Manageable Pace

Step 8: Refusing To Go Backward

With these eight steps as a guide, the reader will be prepared to live a life where they are free to reach a place where confusion and contradiction no longer define who they are. They will completely understand the thought — all behavior has an agenda. They will clearly grasp the idea — all human lives collide at the point of agendas. Agendas are not defined by words, but by behavior.

When one finishes reading Behavior Never Lies, they will lean back, pause and say, “Now I understand!”

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