Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Online - Christmas Shopping Tip

Are you new to shopping online? Or shop online a lot?

Have you discovered online coupons?

Many retailers have a list of subscribed users that they send coupons to, buy online, use the coupon code and save a ton of money. Well cyber penny pinchers found a way to help the retailers along and at the same time save you and me some money. You see they have started discount coupons sites all over the internet and no you don't really need to know what they are.

But before you rush to the mall, you might take your shopping list online.

Kids like Abercrombie and Fitch, American Eagle,. Holister?

Go to and do a search for the store name and add the words coupon or discount code. You may just get back several responses that will save you 10% to 50% and get you free shipping. You never know. I tried it and got 35% off at American Eagle, plus free shipping. It let me enter two different coupons - stack them is what it's called I guess.

When I find a great discount code that a Real Estate Investor might use, I am posting these on the MAREI web site under vendors. Then only really great one so far is for vista print and 75% off the price of premium business cards plus a few other coupons and they are posted at in the Vendor section, under Printing.

Plus shopping online, saves you a bunch of gas, no time spend standing in line, and walking by the Mrs Fields shop so many times that you break down and spend $5 for a soda and a cookie. For the life of me I can't see what is in their cookies to make them cost that much?

Happy Shopping, and Merry Christmas.

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